Friday, August 27, 2010

Break in the weather.

So today here in Southern California we've been given a bit of a reprieve from the warm weather. It's still fairly warm today, about 82 degrees, significantly cooler than it has been for the past week or so. Yesterday was an even hotter day in my hometown, and Mike (the drummer of The Short Term Melody, my band) and I attempted to record again in his garage. Not only it was hotter, but more humid, which made for a miserable session. We didn't get any useable takes, but that's okay, we tried. Blame it on the weather.

Given the improved weather conditions today, I should record, but I don't think I will. The band and myself have been pulling hard to get this album done, despite weather, scheduling conflicts and equipment issues, and we've done quite nicely. We've got about 4 songs so far, with two more drum tracks awaiting guitar, bass, and vocal parts, so we haven't done too bad for only 3 weeks of work. So I think I'm taking a break today. I suppose I may mix later on, but only if I'm feeling up to it.

Being productive is good. It's great to get things done in a timely manner, but sometimes you got to take a break. It's better to stay balanced. Being the songwriter, primary arranger, guitarist, singer, and engineer can make things a bit complicated, and it's quite easy to drive yourself crazy filling all of these roles. So today I'm going to do something unrelated to all of them, at least for a few hours. I hope that this coming semester with all the projects involved, plus finishing this album, I can stay fresh and inspired by staying well rounded and balanced. Though in crunch time, when deadlines must be met, this will be difficult, but on days like today when the sun is out and the breeze is blowing, I'll just kick back with a book and an iced tea.

Good day to you all!

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